The work I have been fortunate to do with Lauren has given me the first genuine platform on which I have been truly able to change the direction of my life. There are few words powerful enough to describe how miraculous this change has been; every day, I am still reveling in the wonder that I am living a life without my eating disorder – for the first time in 20 years.
I could never have imagined in a million years the joy and the passion I feel now – the peace I feel with myself and the love I have for so many wonderful things in my life. These programs are not just about recovering from an eating disorder. They are real opportunities for incredible change, and a chance to have a really beautiful life.
AndreaReady to Take Your First Step Towards Freedom?
Hi, I’m Lauren.
I’m a Healing for Eating Disorders Recovery Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner. I am here to help you heal on every level — Physically, Emotionally, Mentally + Spiritually — to EMPOWER yourself, so that you can break free of your eating disorder and PERMANENTLY recover just like I have.
Professionally, I work with women who want to embrace the highest vision for themselves and their lives, who deeply desire to live authentically from the heart and create a life of deep abiding joy, freedom, fulfillment, grace and purpose. I guide women into embodying their own core truths, through a simple process of self-discovery, self-expression and radical self-love.
Personally, I am fully recovered after struggling with my own eating disorder for more than half my life, and have been a coach, mentor and healer now for over five years. I can truly say from the bottom of my heart that I can relate to what you are going through right now and I know how hard this is. I want you to know that FULL RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU TOO. I have successfully healed myself from all of the dysfunction and I offer myself and my life as my example through my private coaching programs, videos, articles, newsletters and courses. My true purpose here is to guide you through exactly how I recovered and how countless others have as well, so that you can heal and recover and gain true freedom from your eating disorder too.
Want to Know More About Me + My Story?
I'm so grateful that you've found me...
If this is your first time visiting my website, I want to welcome you with open arms!! I know exactly where you are right now, because I have been there too. I know how hard this is and I want you to know that I am here to support and help you and guide you along the way. Recovering from an eating disorder is one of the most difficult things we will encounter in our lives, but if you have stumbled upon my page, it is truly for a reason. Typically people only find me when they are ready to hear what I have to share, and take this next big LEAP in your life and recovery. You are ready to claim your true authentic self and discover who you really are, take back your power, to let go of the eating disorder and learn how to find complete and utter unconditional love for yourself and for your life. To heal your wounds. To accept and forgive. To become whole again. To find peace. To be happy.
You. Are. Ready.
You can do this!! If you don’t believe in yourself or that it is truly possible for you, know that I will believe in you until you believe in yourself.
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