We have another new YouTube video for you this week!!  I am answering a question from one of our lovely Healing for EDs Academy members who writes,
“Hi Lauren, I’m hoping you can help. I am struggling emotionally with feeling hungry. I have horrible guilt when I’m hungry. Because I’m overweight, I’m ashamed to eat as much as my meal plan requires. It seems like I’m always eating! So then I get anxious and the B/P cycle starts. I’m also finding I don’t understand the difference between full and satisfied. Both make me feel anxious and eat more because then I know I’ll purge. I’m not really sure what to do with this. Do you have any advice to share? Thanks. Amy”
Watch the video and let me know your comments or feedback in the box below.  Thanks beautiful soul, you are amazing!!  Keep up the amazing work on yourself, you are so worthy and deserving :)
Peace, Love + Freedom,
Lauren Marsh
Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, Mentor, Healer + Holistic Life Coach
Empowering Women to Gain Freedom and Full Recovery from Eating Disorders