You inspire me with your courage, your determination and your commitment to overcoming the eating disorder.  Not only overcoming but believing and truly understanding what it means to be free.


You inspire me because you don’t and won’t ever give up in your recovery from eating disorders.


You inspire me because you have always been willing to admit you don’t know it all.  That you have been confused and lost and you know you need to mend and heal what has been hurt and broken open.


You inspire me because you are willing to go through this pain and sadness that deeper growth requires, stripping away the layers of the eating disorder.


Your blossoming is beautiful.  You are becoming an enlightened soul that encompasses the beauty, truth and light of love.


You inspire me to move forward and face those fears that still linger within my soul because your example is so liberating.


You inspire me to open up and share my experience, all that I’m truly feeling, even if that means being vulnerable and afraid of what that means.


You inspire me to deepen my understanding of myself, of life, of God, of this grand Universe we live in.


It is inspiring to witness you learning how to flow with life and truly surrender to this great divine plan.


Your story is amazing, unique and needs to be shared.


You are needed and important in this world.


I love you.


Peace, Love + Freedom,

image of eating disorders help