Here are some selected eating disorder quotes by close friends, humble souls that I spent many days and nights with in the halls of the inpatient eating disorder treatment center.

These are taken from a journal entitled “A drink of hope comes from Love.”

Yes, these eating disorder quotes are really by eating disorder patients, taken directly from conversations shared and letters written while in treatment for bulimia and anorexia.

I thought it would be nice to share some “inside information” from those actually going through the pain, the struggle, the growth.

“Be strong and continue to grow and search inside yourself for the peace and love you long for… Every day is a new day, with new hope.” -Teresa


“Recovery won’t be perfect, Nothing ever is.  You are not your past, let’s see what we can both make of our future.  Never underestimate yourself.  You can’t fail at something if you keep trying…” -Shelby


“The best medicine is the truth.” -Dy


“Relapse is not failure – failure is to not learn from relapse.” -Shay


“I shouldn’t put recovery into my life I have to make recovery my life.” -Greg


“Sometimes we have to get lost in order to get found.  That’s how I look at this.  I don’t want to starve myself of my life, of love – I want to get it back and have it all.  I deserve it all.  And you need to believe that you do too.  Once you do you will get it back.  Remember – it’s one meal at a time.  It doesn’t happen overnight  Every meal that you can have and sit with and not purge will give you the confidence that you can do this.  Even if it doesn’t happen with the next one, it’s ok.  That’s why it’s called a process.  You’re not perfect. But you sure as hell are strong and courageous for trying rather than giving in, realizing a slip is a slip in one process, not a relapse.” -Tania


“If I’m hungry I need to turn to God because I’m yearning for his love.” -Natalie


“Be the compass not the map.” -J.J. [to his Mother]


“…the more you feel your feelings the less out of reality you want to be…” -K


“Recovery is awesome and you’re worth the effort!” -Christie


“I truly believe that you have the courage and the strength to kick this thing’s @$$.” -Devin


“Just remember you’re never alone.” -Annalissa


“You can stay in recovery – and you deserve to – and to have an amazing life.  Always remember that you are a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart with so many talents.” -Alicia


“You are a bright star in the Universe.” -LeAnne


“YOU’RE WORTH IT!  And you deserve everything life has to offer!” -Katrina


“The hope comes from within.” -Lauren


“It amazes me how our lives are so different but our souls are intertwined.” -Laura


“I know you’ve been through hell and back, but I have all the faith in the world in you!  I know you’re going to find love, peace, vigor for life, and so many other meaningful aspects.” -Autumn


“May God bless you in your recovery one day at a time.” -Carol


“I hope your recovery continues to be such an incredible experience (even though you may experience some hardships, and by “may”, I mean “definitely will and probably are already”), but you’re an incredibly strong woman, you’ll be able to handle what life throws at you.” -Barry


“Please take care of yourself and give yourself all the credit you deserve.” -Linda


“May the tapestry of your life be a masterpiece.” -Barry


“The secret of health for both the body and mind is not to mourn the past, or worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” -Buddha

(Okay, so Buddha was not an eating disorder patient, but it’s such a good quote!  I thought you would like it!)


Well, there you have it!  These are treasured quotes by people with whom I felt such a connection with throughout my eating disorder recovery.

It fills my heart with such joy to read these eating disorder quotes, feeling their love and knowing the pure honesty that poured forth when these words were written.

I hope they have inspired you as they have inspired me!