In the infinity of life where I am,

all is perfect, whole, and complete.


I recognize my body as a good friend.


Each cell in my body has Divine Intelligence.


I listen to what it tells me, and know that its advice is valid.

I am always safe, and Divinely protected and guided.

I choose to be healthy and free.

All is well in my world.

~Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life pg.143


It always feels so good to start the day with positive affirmation quotes!  I feel so calm and grounded after reading positive affirmation quotes like the ones above by Louise Hay.

Just as she says, we are perfect exactly where we are in this moment.  We are always safe and have nothing to fear.

Our bodies are sacred and in eating disorder recovery we need to learn how to treat ourselves with self love and self-care.  You can choose to be healthy and free.

5 Minutes to Love Your Self Exercise!

Crack open those journals ladies…

  1. What I want you to do is sit comfortably.  Take a few deep breaths.  Read the positive affirmation quote by Louise L. Hay again.
  2. As you are reading, feel the love inside of you.
  3. Connect with it.  Allow yourself to feel the love, get in touch with and feel what the words mean…even if right now, you don’t feel that its 100% true.
  4. Feel what it would be like to always be safe, secure, healthy, and free.  Visualize yourself as always loved, supported and guided.  Feel what it’s like to have your body as your friend, your vessel to create and love and expand and laugh and be free.again.  Revel in this feeling and wrap it around you like a warm blanket.
  • Ahhhh….  Now – how did you feel during it?  Get out your paper and write down what it felt like for you and what came up for you.  Don’t think, just let your hand write.
  • I pray you are perfectly content, relaxed and full of love.
  • However, stuff might come up.  Old “junk.”  Or it might not.  Either way is okay.
  • You might get memories from the past coming up.  You might hear the eating disorder voice try to counter the positive thoughts.  You might still be so numb and not have felt anything.  Or you might have had overwhelming feelings arise.
  • But whatever you experience is perfectly fine.  Whatever you felt, now the trick is to just allow.  And be okay with it.

Allow whatever to come up, come up and give it L O V E !

[instead of engaging in the eating disorder to avoid it]

  • When I do this exercise I feel the love and warmth radiate my body and surround me like a blanket.  My heart and energy centers open and I know that all is well, peaceful and safe.
  • However, you still may not feel anything because you might not resonate with the affirmation.  In this case, find your own positive affirmation quotes that resonate deeply with you.

How do you know what positive affirmation quotes are right for you?

  • When you read it you think, wow, that’s exactly where I wanna be, what I wanna feel and experience and manifest in my life.  When you find something that resonates with the core of your being, you will connect to it and feel that love inside your body just burning and bubbling up, desiring to fill you up.

We’d love to hear your own favorite positive affirmation quotes and experience with this exercise in the comments below!

I love Louise Hay’s positive affirmations!  She has amazing books which I used in my recovery for bulimia and the book is full of positive affirmation quotes such as these.  Her perspective and especially a few of the exercises in her book have definitely helped in many ways along my eating disorder recovery journey.

Using positive affirmation quotes have helped me to not only overcome the negative and dysfunctional thinking that persists with the eating disorder symptoms and behaviors, but also to create new thinking and new beliefs!


Here’s a little ramble up-lifter of recovery inspiration for you:

Cool, calm, refreshing.

Parenting ourselves

with our words, thoughts

and actions.

For you create

with every passing moment.

Choosing peace.

wonder. excitement.

contentment. gratitude






Yes, cultivate love today and first start by giving love to yourself.

You as much as anyone else in this world deserve your love!

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance!”



Peace, Love + Freedom,

image of eating disorders help