Why is it that we run away from who we are?  Why is it so hard to just be in the moment and be accepting of what is?

At times, my mind races to find new things to grasp onto, new puzzles to solve, new ideas to learn.  I find it challenging sometimes to slow down and really just be in the moment.  Why?  Because being in the moment means we are present.  Fully awake and aware.  Not worrying, thinking or stressing about the next minute, the next hour, the next day, month or year.

How is it that we can go years asleep, engaging in the eating disorder, numbing our feelings and doing what we can to get by…

Now is our time to shine, wake up and make our lives happen!

We must develop the discipline to carry out our desires and to believe that we are truly deserving of health, happiness, wealth, goodness, joy, peace, and love!!! :)

What if in this moment you felt truly alive, well and happy?  Would it change your day?

Hw would it change your life if you woke up every day and smiled to greet the brand new day?

I remember a time in my eating disorder recovery when I didnt want to go to bed at night because I didn’t want to wake up in the morning.  I dreaded each day and it filled my life with negativity and bad experiences that justified my beliefs – what I expected I received.

So what if today you expect miracles?  What if today you woke up and believed that you could achieve anything your heart desires?  You have it within you to make all your dreams come true.

Isn’t it your dream to be free?  Wouldn’t you like to break free from the chains the eating disorder binds you in?

The first step in achieving freedom is acknowledging that you have within you what it takes to recover.

If you believe that in your recovery from eating disorders you will have slips and relapses and that you are going to struggle for the rest of your life, well then you surely will have what you desire.

Conversely, if you set your mind and your intention to believing that full eating disorder recovery is possible and that you will one day soon be freed of your compulsions then you can and will break free.

It is possible for anyone no matter how long you’ve engaged in the eating disorder or struggled with your recovery.  It simply takes some belief that it is possible and the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

The eating disorder takes an extremely high amount of energy and effort to sustain it.  What if you took that energy and put it towards your recovery from eating disorders?  What if you focused on all of the positive things in your life to be grateful for and used your eating disorder perfectionism drive to create the best, most fulfilling life possible?

You do have it within you and I believe in you!!!!!!!

If you are having trouble believing in yourself or even conceiving life without your eating disorder you would surely benefit from having an eating disorder recovery coach at your side.  I can help you tap into this unlimited source of potential within you and dramatically speed up the process of recovering from your eating disorder!

What is holding you back from total freedom in your eating disorder recovery?

Yayyy!  A Healing Exercise For You

In this exercise there are positive affirmation quotes to help you along this part of your journey – developing the belief in yourself and knowing that you can achieve FULL recovery.

If you are alone, you can say them out loud or just say them in your mind to yourself.  It would also benefit you to write them out or place the ones that resonate with you most where you can see and read them often.

Have your journal out as you go through these positive affirmations.

I believe in myself!

I am powerful and have great value!

I am important.

I can achieve anything I put my mind to.

I have what it takes to discover true freedom from my eating disorder.

I am deserving of all the good the Universe has to offer.

I now choose to fully recover from my eating disorder!!!

Now I want you to pause and write out what is coming up for you.

Is your eating disorder voice trying to trip you up?  The eating disorder voice may be telling you the exact opposite, that these statements are not true, you don’t deserve it, you can’t do it, and on and on.


By doing this exercise and identifying what is coming up for you, you can start to identify your limiting beliefs and dysfunctional thinking that will keep you trapped within the eating disorder.

Which positive affirmations are the hardest for you to accept and believe?


Peace, Love + Freedom,

image of eating disorders help