I HAVE BEEN cleaning out my house this past week and it has felt so good!!!


Cleaning out the closets, desks, and basement just getting rid of things that I don’t need and organizing the rest.  I’ve taken bags upon bags to Goodwill, given bags to my family and I will be donating the rest of my baby items to a woman who is expecting soon and doesn’t have any baby items to speak of and her baby’s dad took off.


It feels so good to get it out of my home and also to give it all away!!

The Universe responds to our giving – it creates a space of love and gratitude for when you give you also will receive.

But only give from the goodness of your heart and only good things will come back to you.


Cleaning out areas of our home is like a symbolic gesture to the Universe, declaring that as we clean out our rooms and closets, we are also cleaning out the rooms and closets of our minds and paving the road towards full eating disorder recovery!

When we can clean out and let go of the attachment to those material possessions it does a whole lot more than just clean out your house.


Letting go of things in your house – be it clutter, paperwork, clothes, or items you don’t currently use or want – can free up physical space and also mental space!!


Have you been feeling cluttered lately?  Feeling like you are muddled and mucky and unclear and you just want to get unstuck?


Try scanning your environment to see if there are things around you that could be keeping you in this stuck place.  Do you have papers piled up?  Old dirty dishes in the sink?  Piles of dirty laundry?  Items, boxes, or bags of things that you haven’t used in 6 months or more?  Get rid of them.


Today, take time for yourself to clear your environment from clutter and mess.  Clean your kitchen, do your laundry, organize your papers and throw away, recycle or donate what you haven’t used in the past 6 months, definitely a year.


It’s amazing how good you can feel when you take care of the space around you.


Your inner world will reflect your outer world and vice versa. 


Another thing to consider while cleaning house is if there are things in your environment that could be influencing your eating disorder recovery in a negative way.


For example, do you have “thin-spiration” posters on your wall or desk?  Get rid of them- BURN THEM.


Do you have magazines, books, or papers about losing weight or dieting?  Get rid of them- give them away or burn them.


Do you have a scale?  Seriously, chuck it.  Smash it.  Get rid of it!  Your self esteem should never be based upon the number on the scale and your eating disorder recovery can be more positive without it.  I haven’t weighed myself in years!! It’s so liberating!!  (Please, send pictures if you take it outside and smash it with a sledgehammer.  I would love to see it, lol).


Instead, place inspirational posters or pictures where you can see them often.  Put affirmation quotes on your wall and in your bathroom.  Include things in your environment that make you feel good such as inspirational books, eating disorder recovery books, candles, incense, anything that induces a feeling of wellbeing and calmness in you is something that you want to keep in your environment.


You deserve to feel good in your recovery from your eating disorder and your environment has a lot to do with how you feel.  So please, take some time today to clean out your house and boldly declare to the Universe, I am letting go of these things that no longer serve me and my eating disorder recovery and I’m cleaning out my mental closets to gain clarity, focus and peace of mind!!


Peace, Love + Freedom,

image of eating disorders help