Here is another sample recovery meal plan that you can use in your daily life! This eating disorder meal plan consists of:
1 cup protein + fiber cereal
1 cup almond milk
1 banana
Greek yogurt
Chia seeds
2 slices 100% whole wheat bread
1 slice cheddar cheese
2-3 slices of turkey
Italian dressing
Power greens
1/2 cup Tomatoes
Small piece chocolate
Bob’s Oat Bar or Protein Bar
4 hard taco shells
Heat taco shells in oven on 350 degrees for 5 minutes, then fill with your choice of toppings:
Organic ground beef, cooked in a pan until browned. Season with garlic powder and salt.
Pinto beans
Shredded cheese
Sour cream
Diced tomatoes
Corn salsa
Chopped greens
Hot sauce
1 glass of red wine 🙂
Please please keep these coming. They are so helpful, it’s like getting oernissuon ti eat delivered daily. Lauren you are a gift and a sister that will stand up to ED and show us that we can be more powerfulThanks again
I love you so much
All this is so hard & so exhausting.. Thank you for always letting us know how much you care 🙂