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I am in total awe and amazement some days that I GET to do this work.

These women I am working with are creating MONUMENTAL shifts in their lives.

It brings me such JOY to see them thrive, overcome and conquer.

It fills my heart with the most overwhelming feeling of gratitude, of bliss, of love.

Love for my life and for being able to serve.

My life is about serving others.

I do it because I am called to help.

In the beginning I had no idea HOW I was going to help– I simply just SHOWED UP.

I did what was asked of me– from spirit, from the Universe, from my angels– from whoever it was that was sending me those intuitive impulses within me.  I just KNEW from the deepest recesses of my BEING that THIS IS WHAT I FEEL CALLED TO DO.

It is so POWERFUL being able to witness these women experience a total TRANSFORMATION of body, mind and spirit.

How does this happen, you ask?

I show up and allow these women the FREEDOM to speak their authentic truths.

To speak from the heart.

To dive deep into the core of the most ingrained habits of thinking and being.

To honestly begin to look at their life and their patterns and admit to themselves, “THIS ISN’T WORKING.”

Letting them know that it is PERFECTLY OKAY to admit that.  And in fact, it is one of the greatest gifts you could give yourself in the beginning.

To admit that, I don’t know HOW, and that I desire wisdom, guidance and knowledge tailored to fit my needs.

Recovery isn’t a ONE SIZE FITS ALL deal.

Everyone’s recovery journey is different– however over the years I have recognized the patterns that kept showing up over and over again.

There are particular themes that show up.  These women communicate to me what they are struggling with the most, and it is almost universal in nature.

We all struggle with and desire the same things underneath it all:

We have the desire to be heard, to be seen, to be understood.


To know that I am not broken or in need of being “fixed.”


The need to allow our true authentic feelings come up in a way that feels good to express them and get them out.


To release, to let go, to forgive.


The need to be able to TRUST.  Without doubt, without fear, to TRUST in yourself, in your choices, in your body, in others, and in Life itself.


The deeply held need for connection, to feel that we belong.


The desire for passion and purpose, the yearning to make a difference.


To cultivate absolute UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and ACCEPTANCE for ourselves.


To recognize that I don’t need to be “perfect” or strive for anything outside of myself.


To know that even with everything I’ve been through and who I am right now–  that I AM ENOUGH.


That I am WORTHY of all of the good things in life.


And that I DESERVE to be treated with love, with care, with respect, and I DESERVE to be happy.



These certainly aren’t complex concepts or topics, yet I find that most women and men that struggle with eating disorders have blocks and resistance that won’t allow these things to manifest in your life for many reasons, even if you are striving for these things.

Many times the eating disorder operates in direct contrast to what it is we actually want in our lives, it actually PUSHES those things we want away… yet it gives us the “illusion” of some of these things, for example the illusion of control, of “happiness” and gaining a temporary “high.”  Do you get that?  How often does the eating disorder “trick” you into thinking you’re not “THAT BAD”???

There are many deeply held stories that keep the limiting beliefs and eating disorder program in place.  Because it is “safer” that way.  More comfortable.  Easier.

You also probably lack or are working on learning the tools and skills and techniques to be able to actively practice and SHIFT the things in your life away from what you don’t want  (the eating disorder and dysfunctional thoughts/behaviors) and onto the things that you do want (above).

I wish we were taught these things in school!

However, it doesn’t work this way, and unfortunately the “school of life” doesn’t teach us how to do these things automatically either.


So how do you create MONUMENTAL and TRANSFORMATIVE change in your life?

How do you create these things in your life that you really WANT, that resonate deep within your SOUL?

How do you become ready to shift it ALL and step into a life that you can only imagine having?

#1– You have to be ready and willing to do things differently and develop the skills you need to grow beyond your current patterns + evolve.


#2– You have to have a clear idea about how you want it to be, what you are working and taking action for.


#3– You have to know WHY you are doing it.


These are the prerequisites for change.

This is the only way change is made in your life– not by haphazardly throwing yourself into trying new things just for the sake of it, or you think you “should” do it.  This is why you don’t “stick with” those things you’ve tried before.

It won’t work if you are doing it to “get something out” of it.  It is more about BEING a certain way and ALLOWING than DOING and achieving and forcing things to happen, or being attached to the outcome of “how its supposed to be.”

It also won’t work if you are simply doing it to “get away from” something.  Yes those negative motivators will work for some time, however they do not produce consistent results in your life.

You have to understand that once you learn these skills and embrace this new way of being in your life that it becomes automatic.

Just like how the eating disorder thoughts and behaviors are “automatic” now.

The more you practice the skills and tools and mindset of recovery– eventually it becomes what is comfortable, natural and normal.

And that is really really important to remember.  That these are only SKILLS.

Anyone can learn them.

The more you practice, the better you get at it.

It doesn’t mean that it isn’t going to be messy or hard or difficult– because it will be.

It will be so fucking hard you will want to give up over and over and over again.

The question is– what excuse are you going to use to stay stuck?  What excuse will the eating disorder give you as to why you can’t achieve it?

How willing are you to BREAK THROUGH those old barriers and blocks??

What story do you keep telling yourself that keeps the eating disorder alive?

How willing are you to let go of your story and write a new one?


YOU are in charge of your life and how you respond to it.  You can either wake up and take responsibility for yourself, your healing work, your recovery and develop the skills you need to OVERCOME, or you can sit back and watch your life play out before you, feeling like you are powerless and out of control.

Which sounds better to you?

I know it might be difficult to hear, but I am here to tell you that you are 100% responsible for your recovery.  No one is going to do it for you.

You get to choose what you focus on.

You can either focus on what you want to create– and practicing the skills that come along with cultivating that new way of being in your life — or you don’t, and you stay stuck or move backwards.

That is the nature of life.

“If I am not growing and changing, then I am staying stuck or sliding backwards.”  


This is about your personal growth, your evolution and it is ESSENTIAL in your development as a human being, as a spiritual being.

You are not meant to struggle the rest of your life.

If you are reading this, you are MEANT TO OVERCOME.  You are destined for GREATNESS.

You are so needed in this world, and there are so many lessons to be learned along the path of eating disorder recovery just waiting to be discovered.

Are you ready to embark on the greatest journey of your life?

Are you ready to take back your power and claim what is rightfully yours?

You DESERVE to be happy.

You DESERVE to overcome the eating disorder.

You DESERVE to feel good about yourself and the choices you make on a daily basis.

You DESERVE to love yourself and treat yourself well.

You DESERVE to recover and break free.


So let me ask you–  When I say these things to you, how does it FEEL on the inside?

Does it feel right?  Does it resonate with you?

Even if you don’t BELIEVE these things yet… do they feel right and true and resonate within the deepest part of your being?

Does it feel expansive and freeing to think about truly OWNING this new way of BEING for yourself, one that is based on LOVING YOURSELF so damn much and RELEASING all the garbage from the past so that you can be FREE to take action and move forward towards full recovery and healing and creating the life of your dreams?

THIS is your internal guidance.

This is your CALLING.

This is your higher self, your intuitive impulse that is sending you the message that– YOU NEED TO DO THIS.  FOR YOU.

The same guidance that I tapped into to KNOW without a SHADOW OF A DOUBT that I AM HERE TO HELP YOU RECOVER.

You can tap into that same well of inner wisdom and begin to understand… that you are also BEING CALLED TO HEAL YOURSELF.


Haven’t you put it off enough already?


There will always be things to do, people to see, work to be done, children to be played with.  There will always be dishes to do, laundry to wash, and houses to clean.  There will always be Facebook to check and things to do and places to go that will get in the way of creating your biggest dreams in your life.

HOWEVER, YOU HAVE A CHOICE as to where you put your energy.  Every.  Single.  Day.

There will always be more things to tend to, and how many times have you told yourself, “I’ll change when X happens.”

“I’ll change when I graduate school.  Graduate college.

I’ll change when I get married.  When I get pregnant.  Have a baby.

I’ll change when I get a better career.  When I make more money.

I’ll change when I can relax.  When I have more time. Tomorrow– I’ll change tomorrow.

I’ll change when …” blah blah blah, no more excuses!!!

How’s that working for you???


There is never going to be a better time to SHIFT your shit and GO AFTER your recovery + healing with a whole heart and from a very grounded and centered place.

This CAN become your reality.  IT IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU TOO.  This is not woo-woo magical fucking thinking that all you need to do is snap your fingers and all of a sudden you’ll be healed and everything will be rainbows and unicorns and sparkly glitter.

Not at all.

It takes work.  I’m not gonna lie.  I struggled for many many years before I “cracked the code” and now I teach women and men all over the world the skills and tools and techniques and mindset shifts that YOU NEED in order to truly break FREE.  FOR GOOD.

That’s why I’m here.  To share with you exactly HOW I did it so that you can STOP STRUGGLING.  You’ve struggled long enough.

Are you ready to do the deeper WORK that sustained and permanent recovery requires?

It takes work, but just because it takes energy, effort and a bit of persistence taking action every day, doesn’t mean that its not POSSIBLE.

It IS possible.  When I finally realized what I had to do– I wanted to go through it as QUICKLY as I could.

LOL because I just wanted to be DONE with it!

You can go as fast or as slow as you like.

As long as you keep going.

But first you need to start and take that first step!!!!

The time to change is NOW.

It HAS to become the MOST IMPORTANT thing– and in fact this is THE most important work that you will ever do your entire life.  I can guarantee you that.

So when are you going to decide to make your RECOVERY + HEALING WORK a PRIORITY in your life?


Because the truth is, that if you DON’T make your recovery and healing work a PRIORITY in your life… then you’ll NEVER be happy.  You’ll never feel like yourself.  You’ll never be able to enjoy those things FULLY and feel a sense of FULFILLMENT and WHOLENESS if you don’t actively pursue recovery.  It just doesn’t work that way.

You’ll never be able to truly enjoy your education, your career, your family, your relaxation time, none of it– not fully at least– without the gifts that recovery brings into your life.

So what is it that you want more of?

Freedom?  Happiness?  Love?  Joy?  Wisdom?  Knowledge?  Power?  Gratitude?  Authenticity?

Do you want to feel happy, healthy, strong, wise, confident, secure and radiant?

Do you want to feel in control of your life?  Do you want to feel like you have purpose?  Do you want to discover your passion?  Do you want to reveal who you truly are and access your authenticity and True Self without the eating disorder?


Now is the time.

You CAN have it all.

I know you can.

If I can do it, so can you.

I am no different or more special.

I simply wanted it bad enough that I was willing to go after it with all my heart and mind and body and soul.

I decided that:

#1– I was ready and willing to change AND eager to develop the skills I needed to be able to grow beyond my old patterns and evolve along my spiritual and personal development path.

#2– I had a clear idea about how I wanted my life to be, how I wanted my recovery to be, and what I would be working so hard to create.

#3– I tapped into WHY I wanted it.


THIS is the way to create MONUMENTAL and TRANSFORMATIVE change in your life.

Of course, this is only the beginning.

But we all have to start somewhere, right?

Even if you feel like you’ve done this ten thousand times before.

Do it again.

If it hasn’t worked, that simply means that you didn’t have adequate and loving support and guidance around you OR you weren’t clear enough about the things above and you didn’t take action on your dreams every single day.

So what are you waiting for?



Are you READY to transform your life?

Are you READY to learn the skills you need and allow yourself to be guided by someone who has walked the path, and can totally relate to and understand what you are going through and what you are about to embark on???

Then LET’S GET STARTED.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Click here to learn more about how to work with me one-on-one in my 6-Month Empowerment Program.

I can’t WAIT to take you on this amazing journey together where you will learn step by step the skills, tools and mindset-shifts you need to   take action and begin to make this life a REALITY for you.

THIS is the way to create MONUMENTAL and TRANSFORMATIVE change in your life.

Let’s go on this journey together.

Allow yourself to be guided along the path.

Trust the process.

Take the leap.

Know you are doing the right thing– you are being GUIDED into taking this great act of self-love for yourself.

You deserve it.

You can do this.

You are worth it.

Once you make that decision, the Universe will begin to conspire to allow everything to fall into place for you.



I BELIEVE IN YOU, Beautiful Soul!!!!!


I am so grateful for your presence here.  Thank you SO MUCH for allowing me to help you along your personal recovery healing journey.

Sending so much love and healing energy your way today and every day…. xoxo

In light + love,

image of eating disorder recovery coach

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