image of eating disorder recovery coach

I am finally back in action after a much needed solo retreat.  I spent time relaxing, got a facial and a massage, admired the palm trees and soaked up the sunshine by the pool (it had a sandy bottom, how amazing is that?!).


I journaled, I wrote and recorded videos.  I meditated.  I missed my kids like crazy!!!  I honored myself and what I’ve been through in my life and expressed my gratitude, literally with tears of joy and appreciation for my life.  Sometimes I can’t even believe that all of these amazing things are happening, and my past with the ED is like a bad dream, but at the same time it was the greatest gift I have ever received…


I made new friends and connected with women with similar transformative coaching practices from all over the world.  I met with my own personal business coaches and mentors and spent time just taking in their guidance, which was a very humbling experience to say the least.  Oh and I worked on – can you believe this – my fear of public speaking?!  Haha lol, so much growth, so much joy.


My goal for being there was to simply work on myself so that I can grow my business and help more women.  Reach more women with my message because this is my calling, my soul purpose and this is what I’m here to do in this life.  We need more women doing this work which is why I am super passionate about this and spreading the message to as many women as possible!!


Sidenote: If you feel drawn to wanting to help others, please reach out to me!  I have coached other women to fully recover and transition into becoming coaches themselves (ED recovery coaches, health coaches, nutrition coaches, holistic coaches, etc) and have found from personal experience this to be the most rewarding and fulfilling (and life-changing) thing I have ever done.


This retreat was very important to me because sometimes we just need to take time to ourselves, to relax and reflect on our journey, and more importantly to dream and be and create the next big vision for our life!!!  Click here to watch a video I made about my retreat, 5 Powerful Lessons for Self Growth in your Eating Disorder Recovery

Have you ever taken time for yourself, to just BE?  I have to admit, many years ago doing something like this would have scared the sh*t out of me… but here I am now enjoying every moment after doing what I was afraid of, over and over and over again, following my heart into the unknown.

For your heart will never lead you astray, as long as you listen and follow it’s guidance it will lead you into experiencing true joy, empowerment, gratitude, love, satisfaction and fulfilling your heart’s desire and purpose here on this earth.  You are here for a reason and you are meant to recover!!  Don’t ever give up on yourself, for you too can have all that you desire and dream of, beautiful soul!

image of eating disorder retreat
Peace, Love + Freedom,
image of Eating Disorders Help and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach