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Hello Beautiful Souls this is Lauren from healingforeatingdisorders.com!


I am here in my new office today and I’m excited to bring you this next video where I’m going to share with you the ways that you will know if you are ready for full recovery or not!


I do talk to a lot of women, I do a lot of free sessions, I have coached hundreds of women over the years, and I can pretty much tell who’s going to be ready for the deeper healing work and who’s not by now.


So I’m going to share with you 3 of the most important things that you need to realize or internalize in order to know if you are ready for full recovery or not.


So, let’s get started :-).
The #1 thing you need to realize in order to know that you are ready to reach full recovery is that you understand that losing weight does not and will not make you happy in an of itself.


Why is that important for you to understand?

Because a lot of us the eating disorder develops as a way to make us happy, it develops as a SOLUTION, as the ANSWER.


You know I remember back when I was still struggling, you know that my whole life’s problem was that I was fat and if I could just lose weight, I would be happy, I would have the relationship that I wanted, my life would be great, everything would just fall into place if my body just looked the way I wanted it to look.


I had very low self esteem and I didn’t love myself, I didn’t respect myself.


I did a lot of dysfunctional and hurtful things to myself in my quest to lose weight which spurred the development of the eating disorder.


The first thing that you really need to realize is that losing weight isn’t going to make you happy.


I talk to a lot of women with a lot of different body types and this pertains to any woman at any type.


I do coach women to gain weight if you’re anorexic, and I do coach women to lose weight if you’re overweight and I do coach women that are at completely normal weights.


But the ones that have achieved full recovery and really made leaps and bounds in their recovery is that they realize and they GIVE UP the quest to lose weight as a way to be Happy.


The eating disorder is just the SYMPTOM of an INNER problem,


and I’ve found that for me once I identified the problem, identified the things that were holding me back, and I relays tarted to love and accept my body for what it was, only THEN was my body able to do what I wanted which is kind of a paradox.


Only after I ACCEPTED it, was I able to get back to my natural set point weight.

And I have been all different weights, I have been underweight, I have been overweight, and I’ve been at a normal weight and so there came a point in my life where I realized I wasn’t happy at ANY of those weights.


So I really started to look within myself to see what was it that I really wasn’t happy with and I realized I didn’t love myself and that i had all these limiting beliefs that were holding me back.


If you are still on that quest and you are still trying to find all these things — diet plans, workout plans and all these things — as the answer, that you’re never going to fully recover until you give up that quest and say:

“okay, I know that losing weigh isn’t going to make me happy.”


For example, I just worked with a woman for 6 months before she was ready to lose the weight, so we worked on all the INNER issues, you know the self esteem, the loving herself, being assertive, going after her dreams and once all of those things WITHIN her were healed and came into balance.


Then she can start to say, “well i realize that I was holding onto this weight as a form of protection, it was keeping me safe and keeping me small and now I’m ready to step into the light of who I really am and give my gifts back to the world and just be comfortable with who I am.”


She found that the weight is holding her back so that becomes a way to see the deeper issues FIRST and THEN say “okay, so I’m happy with who I am, I love and accept myself, and now my body can go back to it’s natural weight.”


So the second thing you need to realize if you want to fully recover is that you have beliefs within you that are holding you back and keeping you stuck.

We like to call these “limiting beliefs”.


It is very important that you identify some of your limiting beliefs so you can see the ROOT cause of your issues.


Over the years I realized that with my eating disorder it really wasn’t about the food or the weight or dieting at all, it was really outer symptoms of an inner problem or inner imbalance.

So when I started to break it down, I started to see that my limiting beliefs that were holding me back were things like:


I didn’t love myself, I didn’t feel worthy or deserving, I DEFINITELY didn’t feel perfect enough or just enough in general.


These are some of the things that were holding me back that i needed to work on and be transformed but see the first thing I had to do was to become AWARE of them, so thats’ why I’m sharing them with you today because…


if you don’t understand that you have these limiting beliefs, then you’ll never move onto full recovery.


If you want to get to full recovery, you HAVE to transform these beliefs.

You’ve got to start loving yourself, you’ve got to start feeling like you’re enough, you have to start believing in yourself and building your self esteem and self worth and you also have to transform you limiting beliefs around food, weight and your body so there will be other things that i want you to identify things like  “food is the enemy” “my body is the enemy” things like that.


You have to become aware that you have these beliefs and what is a belief anyway?

A belief is simply a thought that we think over and over again until it becomes a belief, you know this ingrained thought patterns.


In my coaching and in my programs we go over how to clear and clean limiting beliefs and how to transform those into creating this new belief system that really supports this fully recovered, happy, satisfied, nourished, loving life for you of FULL Recovery and Freedom.


The last thing that you need to know in order to achieve full recovery is that you have to really believe that you are ready and willing to change.


Even if you don’t know how. This is REALLY really important because it is so scary to let go of the eating disorder.

The ED has been a part of who you are for probably many many years.

A lot of women say I’ve had this for half my life, or a good portion of my life or 2 years or 10 y ears or 30 years, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve had it.


There IS going to be some fears associated with letting it go and surrendering yourself to become something greater.

To achieve this better version of yourself, this higher self or whatever vision that you have for your recovery, going after your dreams is very important, becoming who you really are, discovering who you really are within.


In doing so we do have to let go of everything that we’ve known with the ED.

The things that have kept us safe, kept us comfortable, but have also kept us small and powerless and weak and isolated.


So even though it has served it’s purpose we have to become ready and willing to change.

We have to become ready and willing to do whatever it takes to let it go, even if you don’t know how.


In my programs that’s exactly what we cover, I have so many women that say “i want to change so bad, I know what to do I just don’t know HOW to do it,” and so if that’s you, I do offer private coaching programs and that’s exactly what I do, I show you the HOW.


I’m no different, or more special, I am on the same path as you, I’m just a little bit further down the path then you.

I would love to help you along your way if you would like to look into my private coaching programs, you can email my assistant Blake at: support [at] healingforeatingdisorders [dot] com.


But I also have an amazing announcement that i will be introducing a new group coaching program, it’s going to be a membership program that I’ll be releasing in the next month or so.

So look out for that if you really want to look WITHIN yourself to get to full recovery and healing and freedom!


3 Ways to Know If You Are Ready for Full Eating Disorder Recovery:

1) You realize that losing weight isn’t going to make you happy.

2) You realize that you have “limiting” beliefs within you that are holding you back and keeping you stuck.

3) You really, truly believe that you are ready and willing to change.


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