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This week in our 6 week guided Healing Your ED Ecourse, we are going through the physical level of healing in my ebook Roots + Nourishment.  We are talking about how to nourish your body and how this physical level of healing can be seen as the foundation for recovery.  

It is the basis for which each of the other levels of healing are built upon.

Once you start learning how to eat again, once you start developing a healthy, loving relationship with food and your body, then you are free to explore the emotional aspects of recovery, how to feel your feelings and how they affect your eating.

You are free to start discovering what limiting beliefs are holding you back, what stuck mental patterns are perpetuating the vicious eating disorder cycle.

You are free to start building that connection within yourself to heal spiritually, so you can feel joyful and loving and at peace with yourself.

And so this got me thinking, while working on this foundation, we are talking about using a eating disorder meal plan in recovery and how to eat intuitively.

I am wondering, what do you do in your own recovery?  Do you follow a meal plan, do you use structured eating or do you simply allow yourself to eat intuitively (or do you not know how to do any of these)?

I am interested in hearing from you because I would like to know… what would you like to read more about on my blog and in my emails:

Would you like to learn more about how to implement a meal plan or structured eating in order to learn how to eat intuitively?  

Or are some of you further along and would like help with learning how to eat intuitively and being more flexible and fluid with food choices, learning how to love yourself with the food?


Please leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts!!  I am looking forward to hearing your replies!

Peace, Love + Freedom,

image of Eating Disorders Help Ecourse and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach

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