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I’m really excited that you’re here.  I’m so glad that you’ve found me.


So I’ve got this big brown box full of journals.  I’ve been writing pretty much my whole life.  I write about everything especially when I realized that I had an eating disorder.  I wrote a ton because it was the way I processed the struggles that I was going through and it allowed me to express myself in a way that I never could before.


I struggled with whether or not I wanted to share this information, what I’ve written in these old familiar journals of mine.  I have a website about Healing Eating Disorders, not about the struggles, the pain, the hurt.


What I’ve been through was deeply painful, yet through the pain came boundless joy, limitless freedom, and wonder.


So without the hardship, the pain, I wouldn’t be here today, smiling.  Thinking back how far I’ve come is a miracle.  I was so deeply depressed life didn’t seem worth living.  I was slowly killing myself with the eating disorder.  I somehow made my way through it and my journals are a record of my process, my progress.


I’ve released a lot since then – old patterns, old thinking, old habits and old limiting beliefs.


But I had to go through the hard stuff to get to the really really good stuff.


So when I asked myself, ‘Could my writings help benefit other people?’  I answered,


I hope so.



I want you to know where I’ve been.  I want you to know how it feels.  This is my story.




I want you to know you are not alone.


My hope is that you can relate to my experience and know that if I can recover, you can too.



So I’ll be posting a new series this month called, Mia/Ana Uncensored: Raw Ramblings of My Former Shell.


It will be writings, quotes and poems from my journals that were written throughout my eating disorder recovery beginning circa 2006.  The year everything fell apart.


I’d love to get your feedback on it!


Warning: Some content in the Mia/Ana Uncensored series could be triggering/disturbing, so please read at your own risk.  These are actual journal entries written when I was deep in the depths of the eating disorder, depression and anxiety, trying desperately to get out.




Peace, Love + Freedom,

image of eating disorders help

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