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Here is an eating disorder recovery poem that I would like to share. I wrote this towards the beginning of my recovery when I was in an inpatient residential treatment center. I feel that it is important to share this eating disorder writing with you so that you can know that you are not alone. I’ve been where you are, scared and feeling out of control. It is a terrifying feeling when recovering from an eating disorder to feel as if there is no hope, like you’ll never get through it. It’s different than a drug addiction; they can simply abstain from the drug. Recovering eating disorder patients must eat to live- we must face food every single day and so sometimes it can feel overwhelming when faced with your treatment plan, meal plan, and trying to deal with relationships, work, school, and all the stresses of life. This eating disorder poem goes out to all of you who are still struggling, you are not alone.

The Awakening

Searching for answers in a quiet desert storm

Rays of heat scorching down

No shade to be found.

Once filled with flowing rivers

Abundant life and pretty flowers

Now is desolate, dried up, dead.

Those winds of sand hug me like a blanket

Surrounding me, blurring my vision

The air is hot, I’m gasping for breath

The winds lull me into a sweet slumber

Whirling around in this itchy sand blanket

The silence is deafening, blowing me over

The wind picks up, my feet leave the ground

Spinning in the sun’s rays

My skin blisters

Open sores begin bleeding, burning

I lift my face

Look into the sun

It’s painful, intolerable yet I can’t look away

This sand storm tornado pulls me higher

This whirlwind leaves me confused, dreaming

Angels reaching down

I’m so close

Comfort, relief is just within reach

My face is crackling, I’m inches from the sun

This wicked twister shoots sand into my eyes

Stinging my eyelids, blinding me

Darkness should come yet the light is blinding

I feel a presence, A hand grabs my wrist

Nails sink into my virgin skin

Scratching and yanking my heavy body

They want me

Grains of sand infect my wounds

It keeps pulling, slashing me

As painful as it is I can’t give in

Hands reaching from all directions

Poking, prodding, piercing my skin

Tearing my garments, exposing me to the wind

I’m gashed and bloody, wounded and weary

When suddenly the storm calms, winds subside

The arms that were once violating my silken skin release me

I’m flying, flailing, falling.

Face down I land in the sand

Blistered and bloodied, weak and alone

I sit up in agony, a tear rolls down my cheek

I’m crying, cleansing.

I open my eyes and everything’s clear

What was once a desert is now a beach

and I’m sitting by the ocean’s edge

I sit for hours watching the blazing sun set

Golden, brillant, miraculous.

A tear rolls down my cheek

I’m crying, remembering.

What was once an ugly and barren desert

is now beautiful, peaceful, serene.

I find comfort in the crashing waves, the cries of seagulls

Palm trees swaying in the breeze

As I gaze out to the horizon and the setting sun

I find myself asking, is this heaven?

No, God answers.

You just had to find it yourself.




Peace, Love + Freedom,

image of eating disorders help

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