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August of last year, I had yet *another* awakening.

It seems that in spiritual life and growth and development, that we are constantly *waking up* to new truths, new paradoxes and finding new ways of being.

Even after all of the growth and upheaval and releasing and creating the new… there is still more to be done.

There are still layers upon layers of conditioning to dive into.

It is interesting to me because the more I grow, the more subtle I find the layers to be.

Not that it’s more difficult, the changes seem to be more like small internal shifts that feel less important, more subtle if you will.

However, at this point in my spiritual and personal development, when that happens and I shift ONE LITTLE THING– it’s like a fucking rocket ship exploded in my life to catapult me forward again– it makes a HUGE difference.

One of my business coaches always says that, “The smallest things make the BIGGEST difference.”

Where in your life do you feel that a shift needs to be made?

I know I felt like EVERYTHING needed to be shifted when I was in my eating disorder recovery.

If you feel like that, know that is completely normal and that it doesn’t all need to be shifted at once.

The little things we do each day really DO make a difference.

What is one small thing you could do today that would simply make a difference in your energy, your outlook, your mindset today?

I know at the time it might not seem significant, however these little things DO add up.

Besides, huge changes aren’t made by making a decision one time and then–POOF!  Magically you are recovered and happy and free.


Huge changes are made by first making that decision– the internal SHIFT–  but then taking the small actions EVERY SINGLE DAY to create that larger [external] shift in your life.

It’s all about the daily action, baby.

Once you awaken to the truth, then an internal shift is an automatic realization of what needs to be done.

We don’t always follow it, which is why many of you will continue to feel stuck, however in order to move forward that is precisely what needs to be done.

The shifts come from “the work.”

When you dedicate yourself to working on yourself, something magical happens.

Your life suddenly becomes this great vehicle through which you grow.

Suddenly everything is a lesson that is here to teach you more about yourself.

The experiences you encounter, the people who are brought into your life all have meaning and purpose now.

You begin to understand that everything happens for a reason — and that simple reason is whatever it is here to teach you.

It may be fucking hard and be here to teach you about pain or surrender, loss or sadness.

It may be here to show you more about yourself and in what ways you need to grow beyond your current limiting patterns.

It might just be here to make you laugh, or influence your life in a positive way, or help you take that next step that will help create the next shift in your life.

Whatever it is is just perfect.

When you open yourself up to this new way of being, the *shifts* become a natural part of the process.

You begin to understand and grasp many truths about this world, this Universe, this Life.

The shifts come from within and precede external change.

“As above, so below.  As within, so without.”

When you feel “out of alignment” or you don’t feel quite like yourself, or if you feel off purpose or feel like you aren’t doing what you are supposed to be doing, it means you are not following your internal guidance and the shifts that have occurred within.

Internal shifts create external shifts.

When you realize something, when something shifts or “clicks” within you– CELEBRATE it, and then TAKE ACTION on it.

The smallest things make the biggest difference.

Don’t keep yourself stuck and hold yourself back out of fear or worrying about what others will think.

Simply just do it.

The shifts are here to help you grow.

Take action now on your truths, as you awaken to the knowledge of your true self.

You are unconditionally loved and accepted.

You are worthy and deserving of having everything you want and need in this life.

But YOU are the one that must decide and claim and OWN these truths.

Open yourself to believing that things can and WILL be different for you.

Do the internal work– trust me, the external shifts will come, and will come quickly once you do this work on yourself.

It is imperative that you begin now.

Trust yourself and your guidance.

You are doing the right thing.


Are you ready to do the work?  Get started here.  This is where the shifts happen.



In light + love,

image of eating disorder recovery coach

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