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You AMAZE me beyond belief.

The fact that you actually listen and love what I say.

But more importantly, the fact that you actually begin to take action on your dreams.

I could never receive a greater gift in my life– the gift of helping others BREAK FREE of this fucking prison that is the eating disorder.

I know what it is like– HELL.

I am weeping right now.  Shedding tears that flow down my face because of how PROUD OF YOU I am.

Do you know how STRONG you are???

Do you know how CAPABLE you are???

Beautiful soul, you HAVE to do this for you.

YOU DO HAVE IT IN YOU to do this.

Every cell of your body is crying out for change.

NO MORE!!! it screams.  It hates being trapped in this hell.

My soul weeps because there are so many still struggling.

If I can just reach ONE MORE, then maybe I will have made a difference.

That’s all I can do.

If I can just reach one more person and help them recover, then I will have succeeded.

But that’s not enough.  Not enough.

I want to help more, save more, influence more CHANGE in this world.

It’s not FAIR that there are millions of people out there struggling with this.  Millions out there that just DON’T KNOW that THEY TOO can RECOVER FULLY.

It is POSSIBLE FOR ANYONE.  You HAVE to believe this.

I know this within every cell and with every knowing in my body, mind and soul that ANYONE can RECOVER.  Do you know how much I believe???

It breaks my heart each time I hear another story, from a beautiful soul who just does not know how gorgeous and amazing and strong and radiant she is.

You are all beautiful, no matter what you look like, no matter what your body looks like, no matter what you have done or not done.

You and I are all part of the same SOURCE.  We all come from the same STUFF and we are all ONE in nature.

You and I are connected.  You are my sacred soul sisters and brothers and we are on this Journey together.

That is why it is imperative that I communicate these messages to you.  Because YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND.

I will write and write and write my heart out until you grasp these truths within your own life, your own being.


I AM HERE TO HELP YOU RECOGNIZE what it is that you need to do FOR YOU.

You are SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL than you even know.

You have so much power within you just WAITING to be discovered.

Did you know that you too share the same desire to change that I do?

When are you going to WAKE UP and fucking OWN THAT SHIT like your LIFE DEPENDED ON IT?

Because in REALITY– IT DOES.

How much longer are you willing to keep struggling?

How much longer are you going to continue to buy into the story that you “need” the eating disorder, that it is “safer” and more “comfortable.”

Because I KNOW that it is EASIER to simply just STAY the way you are.

It’s easy, yes, but is that what you REALLY want for your life??

I think you’re just scared.

In fact, I know you’re scared.

I shared those same fears.

I was afraid of letting it go because food was all I had– it was my “friend” and always there for me when others weren’t.

I was afraid of letting it go because it gave me a “high” that I honestly didn’t believe that I would ever find anything that “felt that good.”

I was afraid of letting it go because I didn’t know who I would be without it.  It was who I was for so long… what if I didn’t like myself or what I found?  What if I found out I wasn’t enough and then I would just be stuck alone in self hatred without my “crutch”?

I was afraid of actually taking the risk to change.  It just felt safer to stay the same, because it was all I knew.  I didn’t know what was going to happen, so I also was afraid of the unknown.  Scared of what I didn’t know, what was uncertain.

I was also afraid of gaining weight and what that would mean– I would have to let go of the false sense of “control” over my body!

I was afraid of growing up and having to face my fears, face my past, face my emotions and feelings that I just didn’t want to deal with.

I was afraid of really owning the truth– that I had a problem and that my life was unmanageable.

I know you’re scared.

I know you share the same fears.

And I’m here to tell you that THAT IS OKAY.

Fear is a good thing.

Did you know that the things we fear the most are actually the things that WE NEED TO DO THE MOST?

The scarier they are, the more important they are for our own personal growth and spiritual growth and evolution.

They are the things that will produce the MOST CHANGE in our life.

They are also the things that will bring you WHAT YOU DESIRE in your life.

Fears are the doorway to your dreams.

Going through your fears is like turning the key on the locked door of recovery.

The only way out is through.

You MUST face your fears on this journey.  It is inevitable.

And when you do– this will be the most terrifying and EMPOWERING journey of your life.

This is where you will begin to build self esteem.

This is where you will begin to own your worth.

By doing what is scary and hard to do.

Because once you go through your fears, you will feel REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD about yourself.

You will realize, WOW!!!! Now looking back on it, that wasn’t so scary after all.

I can DO THIS.

You gain trust in yourself that — WOW I can do what I say I’m going to do.

I can follow through and face my fears and anxieties in a big way.

And WOW!!!  It didn’t kill me.  It actually made me stronger in so many ways.

Fear is a good thing.

F- False

E- Evidence

A- Appearing

R- Real

One of my favorite quotes about fear goes like this,

“To use fear as the friend it is, we must retrain and reprogram ourselves…We must persistently and convincingly tell ourselves that the fear is here–with its gift of energy and heightened awareness–so we can do our best and learn the most in the new situation.”

~Peter McWilliams

Holy amaze-balls, don’t you just LOVE this quote???

This realization CHANGED MY LIFE.

Fear is an illusion, yes but oh my goodness doesn’t it FEEL REAL going through it?!?!

We must begin to see that FEAR is a GOOD THING.

It is here to show you what is MOST IMPORTANT for you to work on.

It is giving you a gift of heightened energy and awareness so that you can move through them, do your best and learn the most from your experiences.

Fear is here to help you grow.

Fear is not the enemy.

The only thing that will keep you stuck is yourself.

CHOOSE to do something today.

Choose to BELIEVE.

Choose to TAKE ACTION.


Make a shift.



Allow it to happen.

Let it in.

You are a chosen one.


I believe in you!!!!!


In light + love,

image of eating disorder recovery coach

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