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I have so much within me that is just waiting to pour out… ready to be unleashed!!

I feel that I am ready now, the world is ready to hear what I have to say.  I have held back in so many areas and I can’t hold myself back any longer.

Sometimes it is not going to be pretty.  In fact, I am prepared for what comes out to be raw, messy and unfiltered at times.

That is okay with me.

I am done censoring myself for the needs of others.

I don’t give an eff about what anyone thinks anymore.

I have come too far and have been doing this for way too long.

I just want to let out what is inside of me.

I just want to be myself.

This has been a yearning that has been a long time coming.

Yesterday when I sent out the Newsletter, I couldn’t believe I was writing “Volume 5”– this will be the fifth year that I’ve been publishing it. Wow.

I am damn proud of how far I’ve come these past 5 years.

My life has been flip turned around these past 5 years.  I completed my Bachelor’s degree, had a son, started a business, moved clear across the country from Pennsylvania to West Texas, and got divorced.  Yep.  Talk about major life changes!!

This past year has been a year of INCREDIBLE GROWTH for me, and one of the best ones so far.  My word for 2014 AND 2015 was POWERFUL.  And I totally embraced my power, especially this past year except in a way that I would have never expected.

One of the biggest things that I really focused in on was my big WHY– WHY I am here, what do I want, what is my greatest VISION for my life and my business?  I was bold enough to name everything that I wanted and then also to go after it with passion and power and like my very life depended on it.

Because in reality, it did.

I LIVE to serve others.  I possess the DEEPEST SOUL DESIRE to help you in so many areas in your life.  And the only way that I can do that is simply be ME.

What do I mean by that?  My coaching has NEVER EVER came from a place of “you SHOULD DO THIS” or you “SHOULDN’T DO THIS” like me talking down from a pedestal, like I know better than you do.

NOPES, it has ALWAYS been a process of showing up powerfully as my TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF and sharing from my heart, whatever it is that flows through me at that time.

Whatever wisdom, knowledge, guidance that I offer is ALWAYS divinely guided and supported.  It is for your highest good and it comes THROUGH me– I am simply the channel.

It also means that I have a pure and honest desire to simply SERVE and help in the best and fastest and most efficient way possible.  So I’ve also gotten really good at ASKING REALLY GOOD QUESTIONS.  Questions that might confuse you and challenge yourself to go deeper than you ever thought possible.

Because that’s the point, right?  For you to go so fucking deep into your own personal healing process and recovery journey that you get to the DEEPEST ROOT CORE ISSUE of whatever it is that you need to know to move forward.

I don’t want to waste your time focusing on all the things that really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Sure, things like how to eat and what to eat and when to eat are important in recovery… as a first step.  As your solid foundation from which to grow.  They are super important to continue to challenge yourself on, to keep moving closer and closer to true intuitive eating as you are growing and transforming in your recovery– but this is just one small piece of the entire recovery journey.  It is the beginning.

If you asked my clients, ‘How much time do you actually spend on talking about food in your coaching programs?‘ you would hear the answer to be minimal– a small portion of the overall recovery vision.  And heck YES it is IMPORTANT and it is super crucial especially if you are underweight or have some medical issues that need to be tended to with healthy nourishment and nutrition– but it is more important to remember to MOVE BEYOND worrying and obsessing about the food.

Many times what I find is that women simply need to know some basic principles– I help them establish a flexible framework based on their needs, desires, lifestyle, fitness level, body size, environment, schedule, etc. and then we move forward.

Because beyond that, it is simply just a DISTRACTION that you are using to NOT focus on going DEEPER.

You see because what happens when you stop engaging in the eating disorder behaviors, ALL your emotions and stuck emotional baggage is going to come UP.  Most typically it comes wrapped up in a big wonderful gift of FEAR and ANXIETY and OVERWHELM.  Here is again why many women continue to relapse– because they are NOT TAUGHT THE SKILLS THEY NEED to properly learn how to process and release these emotions, especially guilt and shame, anger, hurt and sadness.

These emotions are also tied to limiting beliefs, which brings us to the next level of healing being the mental aspect.  These are most commonly — “I’m not good enough” and “I’m fat and disgusting and unworthy and unlovable” and “It’s not possible for me to recover.”

When we start working on healing all of these aspects of Self, many women begin to question their very being, asking “Who am I without the eating disorder?” and “What is my purpose and passion in this life?”  We also begin to meld all these areas together with spiritual principles such as learning to surrender, learning to trust and have faith, and to offer radical self love and forgiveness to ourselves, our bodies and others who have hurt us.

This is how you get to the root cause.

This is how you REALLY recover.

For good.

Because I didn’t think you just wanted to recover A LITTLE BIT.

Or do you?

Because if you do, you can go somewhere else where many many traditional treatment centers and medical doctors who have NO FUCKING CLUE how to treat eating disorders, let alone how to help CURE IT.

I’m here to tell you EXACTLY how to recover.

Step by step.  Every step of the way until the end.  Because I KNOW if you are reading this today, that YOU ARE DESTINED to recover.

After all your hard work and persevering and growing and transformation…Then finally that one day will come when you wake up and you DON’T have a THOUGHT in your mind about food.

You don’t obsess or really even have any other second thought about food, weight or dieting, other than, “MMM that sounds good today” when you open the fridge or “DAMN YOU LOOK FUCKING HOT TODAY” when you get a glance at yourself in the mirror.

No more criticisms.  No more judging yourself.  No more worrying and obsessing.  No more anxiety.

Because you LOVE YOURSELF.  You respect yourself.  You feel good taking care of yourself in ways you never dreamed.  You are your own best friend.

YOU ARE FREE to make your own choices.

YOU ARE FREE to be yourself.

And you realize that being yourself in this world is the most important thing you could ever do for yourself.

And that feels really, really, really good.

You can do this.


Write in your journal, answering these questions:

What am I distracting myself with?  What is distracting me from really going DEEP and moving towards full recovery and healing ALL parts of myself?

I love you so much, Beautiful Soul!!!  Thank you so much for reading and being here, and if you like this post PLEASE let me know in the comments below!!!  Like and follow me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube (links on navigation bar!!!!)

I LOVE YOU and I BELIEVE IN YOU.  If I can do this, so can you.  You are AMAZING!!!!!

In light + love,


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